Ruggedised Show Control and Audio Playback
Running Medialon Manager V7 show control software, this little box packs a lot of punch when it comes to controlling audio, video, lighting, animatronics, special effects, interfacing with PLCs and ride controllers, and synchronising to multiple time sources.
For interactive games or generative media applications, Unity® programmers can access Tasks and Variables in Medialon show control systems using the OpenCapXML plugin for Unity®.
This plugin makes it easy for Unity programmers to link to Medialon Manager and Showmaster projects to trigger tasks, update variable values in the Medialon project, and subscribe to variable value updates from the Medialon project.
With the OpenCapXML plugin for Unity, Medialon control systems become a bridge between the virtual (Unity®) world and the physical world where devices (such as lighting equipment, audio playback, fans, smell generators, heat lamps, water misters, vibration transducers, and video projection/displays) can all work together to tell an interactive story using a built environment, and can even be pre-programmed and debugged before sending to site by mocking it up in the virtual environment.