Advanced Media Production – Interconnected Studios Launch Event at Target3D studio Dock Street London Virtual Production venue

We were thrilled to be part of the Advanced Media Production – Interconnected Studios Launch Event at the Target3D Ltd | The Mechanics Behind Creativity studio Dock Street London Virtual Production venue today.

The new Target3d London location features a single large LED volume and two moveable tracked LED walls – which 7thSense’s technologies are key components of – facilitating virtual production workflows and motion capture of up to ten performers at a time. This includes full-body, finger, and facial expression capture, as well as intricate performance sequencing, with use-cases ranging from virtual and augmented reality applications, visual effects, and animation.

As part of the event, the London Dock Street studio linked up with the PROTO Gateshead Virtual Production studio as part of the UK’s first Advanced Media Production studios network demonstration in collaboration with Digital Catapult and Proto.

The studios are linked by a private 5G network, that allows different types of media content to be created at the same time, and aims to empower remote content direction, foster national and international collaboration, and improve efficiencies during the production process.

The network of studios adds to the 20 facilities that Digital Catapult already has across the UK.

Allan Rankin, managing director of Target3D, said: “A new dawn in advanced media production, where the ever-closer merger of the digital and the real world, means new exciting outputs, from new techniques and skills, for ever expanding mediums and discerning consumers of content. How to make better, make faster, make smarter, make with lower impact is a continuous puzzle to be solved.

“The Target3D team, operating out of the AMP #DockStreetstudio, has already worked on productions featuring world-famous artists in the production of cutting-edge media content, as well as playing a pivotal role in video-game development, cinematics and immersive experiences for the likes of Sky Sports. By leveraging the latest in Advanced Media Production technologies we can go some way to answering these difficult questions through the ability to apply ourselves in the AMP facilities. From real world work to Research & Development we are able to offer the UK the very best in class in workflows and hardware.”

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